A very old practice of sitting still in a posture that is real good at putting your legs to sleep. Not to mention when I first started to ‘try’ meditation the floor would come up and hit me in the head waking me up as I then tried to get feeling back into my legs.
Yep…that was me!
Today I know better, the floor no longer hits me in the head. 
It is amazingly simple to understand, Breath…clear your mind of all thought,,,breath,,,don’t think about the dog…Now clear your mind, AGAIN and breath… 
Do that till your brain has stopped yammering about everything.
Breath some more and then ask your question to the universe.
Here’s the thing, you may or may not get an answer back right then, maybe later when you least expect it. The other thing you need to learn…. Is that you may get an answer from the most unexpected place.
I had sat on my bed one night. Meditated, I was mad at the world that night.  I had managed to quiet my mind then I asked my question to the universe. I never expected to get an answer to the question. The next morning waiting to get a coffee I overheard a church pastor, sitting with an older lady, Talking about the bible. As I tuned in I realized he was talking gibberish about Bible passages and way out of order. 
Then in the middle of all that gibberish he spoke clear as a bell and answered my question I had asked the night before. My jaw dropped.
I have not seen that church pastor again in the coffee shop.
The lesson here is practice meditation, clear your mind and after stay alert, you will never know when or where the answer comes from.
Let’s practice, breath in, breath out…